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Professional Anti-corruption Programme in Major Infrastructure Projects

Professional Anti-corruption Training Programme in Major Infrastructure Projects

Professional Anti corruption Programme in Major Infrastructure Projects


Course Overview

This strategic programme aims to assist anti-corruption agencies to ensure effective preventive mechanism is in place and the risk of corruption is minimised, so as to contribute to the sustainable development of the countries/territories.  Through in-dept sharing, discussions, field studies and mutual exchange, participants will have an invaluable opportunity to enrich their knowledge and enhance their abilities of combating and preventing corruption in major infrastructure projects.  The training programme also includes a study tour to the Mainland of China, in which the participants will get the first-hand experience in China’s impressive development in the infrastructure works and rich experience in managing mega infrastructure projects. 


What We Offer

The training course covers a range of essential topics related to corruption prevention in major infrastructure projects, including:


  • Understanding corruption, fraud, and related offences in major infrastructure projects.

  • Implementing effective anti-corruption measures through governance, integrity risk management and anti-corruption controls.

  • Fostering an ethical corporate culture to mitigate non-compliance risks.

  • Study tour to the Mainland of China for experience exchanges.



8 days


Who Should Attend

This course is suitable for middle to senior management staff of anti-corruption agencies, especially for those whose work is related to construction and works projects.


How to Enrol

The HKIAAC will invite overseas anti-corruption authorities to nominate eligible officers to join the course.