Privacy Policy

The Independent Commission Against Corruption (“ICAC”) respects personal data privacy and is committed to complying with the provisions under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“PD(P)O”).


Personal Data Held

The broad categories of personal data held by the ICAC include –

  • Operational – Records containing data supplied by individuals to or collected by the ICAC in the course of performing its duties and functions in preventing and detecting corruption and related crimes.
  • Corruption Prevention, Preventive Education and Enlisting Support – Records containing data supplied by individuals to or collected by the ICAC in connection with the provision of corruption prevention services and preventive education and processes to enlist public support.
  • Employment-related – Records containing data supplied by serving and former staff to or collected by the ICAC for purposes of recruitment, appointment, renewal / extension of agreement, staff training, performance management, staff welfare and benefits, etc.


Main Purposes of Using Personal Data

The personal data are used by the ICAC mainly for the following purposes –

  • executing statutory duties under the ICAC Ordinance, Cap 204; Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, Cap 201; and Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance, Cap 554;
  • executing other duties as may by law be imposed on the ICAC; and
  • employment-related processes.



The Chief Staff Officer / Management and Administration is designated as the ICAC Personal Data Privacy Officer responsible for supervising and ensuring compliance of the ICAC with PDPO.


Data Access Request

Application for access to personal data held by the ICAC should be made on the Data Access Request Form (OP S003).

Duly completed form (OPS003) should be sent by post to the Personnel Section, ICAC Building, 3/F, 303 Java Road, Hong Kong. As the form contains personal data, transmission by fax is NOT recommended.

A fee will be made to cover the cost of photocopying personal data to be supplied in response to the data access request at the prevailing government charge or as otherwise provided for or approved by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury.


Data Correction Request

A data subject may request in writing correction of data which is considered inaccurate.


Information collected when you visit the HKIAAC websites

When you visit the HKIAAC websites, the ICAC will record your visit only as a “hit”. The webserver makes a record of your visit that includes your IP addresses (i.e. internet protocol addresses used by computers to identify other computers connecting to them) and domain names, the types and configurations of browsers, language settings, geo-locations, operating systems, previous sites visited, and time / durations and the pages visited (visitor data). Visitor data such as the pages and timeslots most frequently visited will be used for maintaining and improving its websites with a view to achieving website enhancement and optimisation purposes. The ICAC does not, and has no intention to use the visitor data to personally identify any person.