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International Anti-corruption Programme (Investigation, Corruption Prevention and Education Modules)

International Anti corruption Programme (Investigation, Corruption Prevention and Education Modules)

International Anti-corruption Programme (Investigation, Corruption Prevention and Education Modules)


Course Overview

When the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) entered into force for China (including Hong Kong SAR) in February 2006, the Central People’s Government designated the ICAC as the authority for the Hong Kong SAR to assist other signatories in developing and implementing corruption prevention measures under Article 6 of UNCAC.  Against this background, the ICAC has strengthened collaboration with and offered capacity building programmes to anti-corruption authorities in other jurisdictions.   The theme of the programmes can be corruption investigation, corruption prevention and/or community education, or a combination of some of the modules depending on individual needs.  Besides, the programmes are usually arranged on an agency-to-agency basis, and can be arranged either in Hong Kong or in the country of the counterpart.   


What We Offer

1. Corruption Investigation Modules

1.1 Introduction to the Operations Department

1.2 Covert Investigation

1.3 Overt Actions

1.4 Follow-up Investigation

1.5 Court Preparation

1.6 Working on a Case Exercise


2. Corruption Prevention Modules

2.1 Introduction to the Corruption Prevention Department

2.2 Corruption Prevention Strategies and Methodologies

2.3 Civil Service Integrity

2.4 Corruption Prevention in Administration of Government Funding Schemes

2.5 Corruption Prevention in Public Procurement

2.6 Corruption Prevention in Construction Industry


3. Community Education Modules

3.1 Introduction to the Community Relations Department

3.2 Community Education Strategies

3.3 Partnership in Sustaining Public Sector Integrity

3.4 Public-Private Partnership in Promoting Business Sector Integrity

3.5 Public Engagement and Community Participation in the Fight Against Corruption

3.6 Youth and Moral Education Catered for the Youth Developmental Stages

3.7 Creative Use of New Technologies and Social Media in Promotion of Probity Culture

3.8 Use of Opinion Survey for Gauging Public Sentiments and Strategic Planning



4 to 5 days


Who Should Attend

Foreign anti-corruption authority who needs to build up/enhance capacities in corruption investigation, prevention and/or education.


How to Enrol

The HKIAAC will invite overseas anti-corruption authorities to join the programme.