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Capacity Building Series – Professional Training for Corruption Eradication Commission of Indonesia


A delegation of the ICAC visited Indonesia between 11 and 13 July to provide a Professional Training on Financial Investigation for 40 investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission of Indonesia.  The ICAC specifically arranged a forensic accountant and investigator of its Operations Department to offer in-depth training on strategies for tracing fund flows, analytical tools for financial investigation, and relevant techniques of investigation.  The participants favourably commented that the specialized financial investigation training was highly beneficial to their work.  The ICAC will soon establish the Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption with a focus on organizing specialized training courses to meet the training needs of anti-corruption personnel worldwide and enhance the anti-corruption capabilities of overseas anti-corruption partners.

40 investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission of Indonesia complete the financial investigation training.
The participants actively exchange ideas and share experiences during the training programme.
ICAC officers offer training on various aspects of financial investigation.