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ICAC hosts integrity leadership course to enhance governance in construction industry


The ICAC has hosted a two-day Public Works Integrity Leadership Training for management staff of the construction industry to further strengthen the industry’s standard of governance.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the training course today (September 27), ICAC Commissioner Woo Ying-ming noted that not only was integrity the cornerstone of the society and the country, it was also an integral part in the construction industry. A management team of high ethical standard and an adequate integrity system would ensure works quality and safety. In view of the many mega-projects undertaken by the Hong Kong Airport Authority (AA), the ICAC had partnered with AA in tailoring the course for its managerial staff.

“The Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has evolved from a city airport to an airport city. As the National 14th Five-Year Plan and the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area) have recognised Hong Kong as an international aviation hub, HKIA plays a strategic role in the development of the Greater Bay Area and the country,” said Mr Woo as he presented certificates to nearly 30 AA participants who completed the training course.

Mr Woo hoped the participants could apply the anti-corruption knowledge and experience learnt in the course to their work, and to lead by example by upholding integrity in their teams. For Hong Kong to better leverage its advantages and integrate into national development, it was necessary to maintain the city’s prosperity and probity, he added.

Secretary for Transport and Logistics Mr Lam Sai-hung, who also officiated and presented certificates at today’s closing ceremony, remarked that the training course was very comprehensive, comprising experience sharing of speakers from various government departments and the ICAC and covering topics on public works management; anti-corruption laws; project governance, management and supervision; as well as fostering a project team’s integrity culture, etc.

“I am pleased to learn that participants from AA actively took part in discussions and had gained a deeper understanding of anti-corruption awareness and integrity management through the systematic and high-level integrity leadership training.”

Mr Lam hoped that the Transport and Logistics Bureau, the AA and the ICAC would continue to work closely together in future in shaping Hong Kong into a world-class, cleanest international aviation hub.

During the two-day course, ICAC’s senior investigators briefed the participants on the latest corruption trend. Common modus operandi in public works projects were examined through in-depth analysis of case scenario adapted from ICAC investigations in recent years. Through interactive methods, participants were introduced to the gist of anti-corruption laws and offenses such as misconduct in public office.

On the preventive front, officers from the Corruption Prevention Department (CPD) shared with the participants the common corruption risks, preventive measures and recommended control measures in various procedures in public works projects, including procurement, project supervision, processing payment applications, as well as the adoption of integrity risk management system to enhance corruption prevention capabilities. Participants were also introduced to CPD’s newly launched “Corruption Prevention Guide for Construction Industry”. The guide provides corruption prevention advice on areas such as managing consultants, subcontracting and contract management, and construction quality control testing, etc.

In addition, officers from the Community Relations Department shared with the participants the importance of establishing a probity culture in public works, and introduced the ICAC’s corruption prevention services and training resources for strengthening an integrity culture in the construction industry.

The ICAC training course was supported by AA and Development Bureau, both of which are working in concert with the Commission to promote a probity culture in the industry. Guest speakers – Executive Director of Third Runway of Airport Authority Hong Kong Mr Tommy Leung King-yin and Principal Assistant Secretary (Works) of Development Bureau Mr David Leung Hon-wan, also shared their insights in building a clean, world-class airport and the Bureau’s experience in managing public works projects respectively.

Integrity is an integral part in infrastructure projects, says ICAC Commissioner Woo Ying-ming at the closing ceremony.
Secretary for Transport and Logistics Mr Lam Sai-hung remarks that the course content of the Public Works Integrity Leadership Training is comprehensive.
ICAC officers share with participants common corruption risks, integrity management and integrity culture in public works projects.