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Webinar on Meaningful Youth Engagement


The global fight against corruption requires continuous and concerted efforts from all sectors of society, and young people's innovative ideas, energy and leadership can undoubtedly inject fresh impetus to building a corruption-free world. In view of this, the Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption (HKIAAC) and the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) co-organized an online seminar on July 4, with the theme "Nurturing and Empowering Our Future Leaders in Anti-Corruption Work: Stories from the Field". Experts from ICAC, UNODC, the National Transparency Authority (NTA) of Greece, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) of Kenya and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) were invited to share their insights into and field stories about youth engagement. We are also grateful to the UNODC's Global Resource for Anti-Corruption Education and Youth Empowerment (GRACE) Initiative for their support of this webinar.

The webinar attracted representatives from anti-corruption agencies up to 70 countries and regions, with over 400 participants in attendance. Among them were officials responsible for promoting youth engagement and a group of young people interested in engaging in anti-corruption work, including ICAC summer interns. At the webinar, the UNODC representative introduced the "Policy Guide for National Anti-Corruption Authorities on Meaningful Youth Engagement in Anti-Corruption Work", which was jointly developed by ICAC, UNODC and IAACA in 2023, and encouraged participants to refer to the guide to help anti-corruption agencies attract more young people to participate in anti-corruption work. During the Q&A session, the participants enthusiastically asked questions and voiced their wholehearted support for young people to drive the promotion of a global culture of integrity, as well as to take on the roles of integrity leaders and defenders of integrity. ICAC looks forward to more young people engaging in anti-corruption work in the future, infusing new energy towards our goal of building a clean and prosperous future.

Anti-corruption experts from ICAC, UNODC, the National Transparency Authority (NTA) of Greece, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) of Kenya and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) took turns giving speeches.
Representatives of worldwide anti-corruption agencies and young people participated in the webinar.
The speaker promoted the "Policy Guide for National Anti-Corruption Authorities on Meaningful Youth Engagement in Anti-Corruption Work" at the webinar, providing valuable reference for anti-corruption agencies.
ICAC officers and summer interns attended the webinar.
The Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) of Cambodia whole-heartedly supported the webinar.
Speakers shared experiences with each other.