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About fifty anti-graft experts from around the globe join ICAC’s largest delegation ever to Mainland


Following the three-day 8th ICAC Symposium held in Hong Kong, the anti-graft trio formed by the ICAC, the Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption (HKIAAC) and the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) today (May 26) led a delegation of around 50 graft fighting professionals from all around the world on a three-day study visit to the city of Changsha, Hunan. The delegation, by far the largest in ICAC’s history, will get on-site experience of the country’s anti-corruption work and social development.

Led by ICAC Commissioner Woo Ying-ming, the delegation comprises about 50 graft fighters from 20 anti-corruption agencies (ACAs) around the world. They were accompanied by around 20 officers from the ICAC, HKIAAC and IAACA respectively.

“Corruption is a common enemy of the international community and global cooperation in graft fighting has been the recognised trend worldwide. Despite complicated geopolitics, this study trip has attracted participants from ACAs and law enforcement units in the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia. The scale is unprecedented. The programme allows participants, ICAC officers and graft-fighters from Mainland to exchange experiences, truly reflecting the great importance we attach to deepening cooperation in combating corruption and enhancing anti-graft capabilities,” Woo said.

Today the Commissioner met with Director of the Hunan Provincial Commission of Supervision Wang Shuangquan and briefed him on the latest development of the ICAC, the HKIAAC as well as the IAACA. Itinerary of the three-day study trip is arranged by the National Commission of Supervision of the People’s Republic of China. Delegates will visit a local major innovation and technology enterprise, academic and cultural spots as well as a national-level industrial chain base on innovation and technology. A discussion forum will also be held to share the country’s latest probity development and experience in fighting corruption.

ICAC officers accompanying Woo to the study visit include Deputy Commissioner Ricky Yau Shu-chun, Director of Corruption Prevention Bryan Chong Ka-lok, Director of International Cooperation and Corporate Services Kenneth Wong Kwok-hung, Assistant Director of the Operations Department Paul Lau Chi-ho and other officers. 

The participants all expressed that they had gained a lot from the study trip and also thanked the country’s friendly hospitality. Among them, two Executive Committee Members of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities, Dr Giuseppe BUSIA, President of National Anti-Corruption Authority, Italy and Ms Alexandra ROGKAKOU, Interim Governor of National Transparency Authority, Greece, stated that they look forward to further exchange and cooperation with the ICAC.

Led by ICAC Commissioner Woo Ying-ming, the delegation departs for Changsha for a three-day study tour.
Representatives of anti-corruption agencies explore the details of the Mainland study trip.
Representatives of anti-corruption agencies explore the details of the Mainland study trip.
Representatives of anti-corruption agencies from various countries attended the symposium to learn about the latest anti-corruption developments in the country and exchange anti-graft experiences.
Representatives from various countries were deeply impressed by the country’s enterprises.
The delegation visited a local university and took photos with other visiting middle school students.
The delegation visited the museum to learn about Chinese culture.
The delegation visited local cultural attractions (Juzizhou Island)
The delegation learned about the latest technological developments in China.